perjantaina, kesäkuuta 14, 2002

oddly when i attempted to play Bejeweled tonight, it wouldnt let me sign in as myself, said i had to choose another nickname, and this is what it said. my question is, where in the hell did the last two options come from? do i look like a lunatic conch???

We are sorry, leeloo45440 is being used by another player on the Zone. Enter a different Nickname in the space below and click Continue, or click on one of the randomly selected Nicknames below.


Here are some Nicknames you might like to use:

keskiviikkona, kesäkuuta 12, 2002

movie quotes ahead. . .beware. next it might be song lyrics. but because these all post one after the other, if i end up with song lyrics, you will have already read them by the time you end up here. hmmmmm.
say anything
Lloyd Dobler: You probably got it all figured out, Corey. If you start out depressed everything's kind of a pleasant surprise.
(i'm bored, and tired and feel icky and whiney, please forgive the following movie quotes)
Serendipity (serendipaciousness, serendipiosity)
Jonathan: This is the ultimate blend to drink. How'd you find this place?
Sara: I first came in because of the name: Serendipity. It's one of my favourite words.
Jonathan: It is? Why?
Sara: It's such a nice sounding word for what it means: a fortunate accident.
Dean: I hate to break up a good thing, but we have half a dozen strippers waiting for us, we're late.
Halley: You mean exotic dancers?
Dean: No, I actually mean strippers.
Benny and Joon
Joon: Some cultures are defined by their relationship to cheese.
Sam: How sick is she?
Benny: Oh, she's plenty sick.
Sam: Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.
sid and nancy. (or "squid and clamsey")
Sid Vicious: How do you spell "holiday"?
John: S-H-I-T.
Nancy Spungen: If I asked you to kill me, would you?
Sid Vicious: I don't know. How would I do it? I couldn't live without ya.
Harold and Maude, one of my all time favorites
Maude: What kind of flower would you like to be?
Harold: I don't know. One of these, maybe.
Maude: Why do you say that?
Harold: Because they're all alike.
Maude: Oh, but they're NOT! Look. See, some are smaller; some are fatter; some grow to the left, some to the right; some even have lost some petals. All kinds of observable differences! You see, Harold, I feel that much of the world's sorrow comes from people who are *this*, yet allow themselves to be treated as *that*.
Maude: A lot of people enjoy being dead. But they're not dead, really. They're just... backing away from life. Reach out. Take a chance. Get hurt, even! Play as well as you can. Go team! GO! Give me an L! Give me an I! Give me a V! Give me an E! L. I. V. E. LIVE! ...Otherwise, you got nothing to talk about in the locker room.
Maude: He thought they were the most beutiful birds in the world. Then he found they were only seagulls.