perjantaina, marraskuuta 16, 2001

well, i had all sorts of stuff to post about god and fate and karma and mathmeticians and such. but today it all can be summed up in this manner:
dont ask--and maybe the other more wordy version will hit the screen soon.

tiistaina, marraskuuta 13, 2001

i'm sad and lonely and teary eyed and i DONT KNOW WHY. it sucks. no good reason. i ought to go to the dr but cant convince myself to make an appointment. (not for the teary eyed, just for nagging health stuff). the sad thing started a few hours ago, maybe its a weather front or something. ick. noone on to talk to. my lil bro appears to be on, but not talkin, so hes nappin or not there. life got unfuzzy, but now its just weird i think. i'm tired. . .