perjantaina, joulukuuta 28, 2001

and for the getting better stuff, sean, i guess i should add you, sounds like you got it late last night or this morning. ick.

12:31am, last i knew my brother who is gettin better was out visitin. kids are awake and having fun, they are night owls like me. . .i am maybe gonna go do some more cleaning, organizing. need to do sis room. not a fun thing. and once i get it done, it will degenerate immediately. chaos theory.

hmmmmmm, noone on to talk to. poo. well.. i'm gonna go hunt me some hot chocolate, and i dunno what from there. . .even let sis have the puter, then put on aol away message, noone appeared. noone loves me today. sides nancy who i never get to talk to. .

torstaina, joulukuuta 27, 2001

hmmmm, blogger hasnt been lettin me update. so here we try again:

first off : I"M FLIPPIN COLD!

that was earlier since then, i drank hot chocolate, and took hot steamy shower. aand am wearing two layers of clotheing. i'm a bit warmer. i need a heated rock and a sun lamp like lizards need. am not a warm blooded animal.

thoughts to the friend i talked to earlier this evening: thanks for listening, and caring.

thoughts to those who are sick: GET BETTER--that means you UUAR and you HEX!

thats bout it. til next time. . .

tiistaina, joulukuuta 25, 2001

hey, blondie blonde, the answer is "yes i did"
and to all that i owe emails, i have waaaaaaaay too much help right now. tho i am doing christmas cards, so enjoy those. .
merry christmas to all, and to all a good night. . .

maanantaina, joulukuuta 24, 2001

Tryin to think of who all reads this, and i think i've got it covered here
Merry Christmas Blondie, may you get whatever your heart desires, but not elizabeth hurley cuz shes a bitch
Merry Christmas Greg, may you get wonderful email this christmas
MERRY CHRISTMAS NANCY, may your hubby give you what you want for christmas. . .
have had a great/exhausting weekend so far, saw LOTR friday, saturday had gamers over all day, all night, sunday gamers over all day, all night, its monday, and they are here agaiN! which i love, as do the kids. christmas eve tonight, presents, then tomorrow, santa stuff, and more presents. then maybe everything starts gettin back to normal? (smiles)