perjantaina, heinäkuuta 27, 2001

green jello with green pineapple and i'm eatin it with a green pooh spoon. yum. worked tonight. the blonde and the infant brother visited. was much fun. as always. tryin to get stuff figured for concert tomorrow, and gencon next week. am inordinately lookin forward to gencon, hope it doesnt let me down--sure had fun last year. moonlighting i didnt watch today, not one i ever liked much--though Bruce Willis sure looks good in black and white. the blonde also made boy cry twice today. not nice blondie blonde. pic of boy and davey in better days. and by the way, am not evil. so there. am actually quite angelic. poo. and munchkin, thanks for the nail stuff. tell your female thank you also.

torstaina, heinäkuuta 26, 2001

tired tired tired. but posting briefly anyhoo. ummmmm, course dont remember what i was gonna say. other than i hate gettin emails that start shit. got one tonight. may have started more shit than was already going on, i dont know. but it annoyed me. ug.

Moonlighting quote of the Day

"live fast, die young, leave clean underwear"

ok, that wasnt the funniest one, but its the one that i remember.
ya dont like that? watch it yourself

tiistaina, heinäkuuta 24, 2001

well, i had a link to Munchkin on here. but he doesnt want anyone reading him. so POO on him.

(i'm gonna paraphrase this right now, starting tomorrow will do direct quotes)
"Lets just be friends actually means 'no kissy, no touchy,no horizonty'"

Hey, Blondie Blonde, did you come in and change my font at some point? cuz i'd swear its different tween what i'm typing now and what it was. or at least the taglines are different. stop messin with me.
Well, Miss Nancy has linked to here from her blog, so i oughta make it legit and actually be coherent now. People might actually read this. Well, today, my massively scarily intelligent 3 year old son "boy" decided to pee in the living room. just stood there and peed. so i put a diaper on him. which i thought would insult his manhood or something i guess. he actually thought it was funny. Then i thought back to all the conversations i've heard amongst the men, and remembered that they always say it would be great to wear a diaper instead of having to go all the way to the bathroom to piss. Being gamers, some one of them either found or invented a "spell" in D&D that makes people wear a diaper and then fart baby powder? or something like that. Men. anyway. Hubby finally turned on the a/c yesterday. which was a good thing, 90 degrees inside the house is a bit much. so we stayed inside today. For once, Boy is asleep, is only 11:15. which means he will be up at like 3:00. But thats ok. I'll just get up and ramble on some more on here.

I'd link to my infant brothers page, and such, but as all the other pages are totally interlinked, and to be here, ya pretty much had to come from either Nancy or Dave's pages, i figure you know where to find Rick and sean and such.

well, i'm going now. hope you enjoy your stay.
fantasys. numbers. gamers. gadgets. ebay. writers. MOONLIGHTING. sunshine. mister. stubborn. headache. vanilla lace lotion. ok, i'm going to bed now. that was the things runnin through my mind right this instant while i'm waiting for that nocturnal child to crash.
i am desperately tired. Boy is not sleeping. as usual. hes watching the horridly morbid Toy Story 2. hate that movie. makes me cry. (all movies make me cry). went shopping today. bought 3 pairs of shorts. tomorrow i get to see if i have anything at all to wear with them. am lookin forward to gencon next weekend. sleepin with 5 snoring men. thrills.

maanantaina, heinäkuuta 23, 2001

see? i'm learning. . .
very interesting. . .figured out how to get a new template. so now you cant see how VERY SMALL the letters were down there. so you just think i have eye trouble that i cant read all this. but its better now. i can see the print. and i had some help (thank you to the blonde) with my signature line. so blame it on him. would link to his blog, but dont know how. you all know how to get there anyway. cuz its how you got here to start with. (smiles)
if at first you dont succeed. its cuz ya suck.
hmmmmm. ok. well, am gonna need SOMEONE (insert your name here) to give me a tutorial on this blog stuff. Cuz see, i've given in to peer pressure, and decided to do this thing. well, not peer pressure so much, as just wanted to do one cuz everyone else is. Oh, thats peer pressure? so be it. whatever. anyhoo, decided to do this, and dont know how to make it look better, put links and guest books and counters on it. nor do i know how to make it readable other than to DO IT LIKE THIS. THE PRINT IS TOO DAMN SMALL. and i want the little tag line signature thing. though i guess i have to decide how to do it. though at least i can now see the posts. i do seem to have two blogs, identical info, but dont know how to get to the other one. good thing i'm not writin on it then. poo. well, ok, nancy, hope you liked your gift.