lauantaina, helmikuuta 02, 2002

Congratulations, meet your dream date ....

Hello, I'm Giles. Terribly pleased to meet you.

Well, I must say, I'm delighted to be spending an evening away from my books having a good time with you.

hey i got that coffee guy! wasnt he the guy in the coffee commercials???

nancy, i love you, but i swear i'm gonna quit doin these damn quizzes. might as well copy em straight offa your blog. geez.

Your totem animal is the WOLF. You're quite possibly enamoured with dogs and this is how the wolf (wildest of all dogs) is trying to connect with you. Don't be scared if they appear in your dreams - this is a fab sign that your totem is making contact. Being guided by the Wolf is pretty cool - as he'll show you how to trust your gut instincts, how to be courageous and dignified when the going gets tough, and how to outwit those who try to put one over on you. Once you've learnt these important lessons, you're sure to make an impression on everyone you meet and make a huge difference to the world simply by being you.

well, poo--the link down there will take ya to the main page--try clicking on "ape-x" or "ch'p" to see the bigger pic.
hahaha--ok, found wondrous things, dont know hwo to use them to annoy mort. someone wanna help me? try this link mortometer reference page check all the other little pictures too. i have explanation of the "mortometer" as: "Morts" are Wizard Magazine's idea of the worst possible comic character. If they consider it truly LAME they call it the Mort of the Month. Keep in mind, Wizard's opinion of LAME may NOT be the same as your own.
anyway, its amusing and we must use it to our advantage--someone wanna take this and run with it?

perjantaina, helmikuuta 01, 2002

well, i have figured out that my time online is mainly spent talkin to people or waiting for people to talk to to appear. as with im down, i'm in no big mood to stay on. i do have icq on, but noone else has it. poo poo. nancy, i need you to do me a favor, shall talk to you of it sometime soon. ok, so heres my day:

boy crashed round 3:30 last night. i woke up on couch at 6, crawled into bed for an hour. got everyone out the door. went back to bed. got up later. made my phone calls. read paper. sis got home from school, we went to tonias to do christmas, she wasnt there. went to kmart, bought a thing or two. went back to tonias, did christmas, picked up daniel, went to town and country. (nancy, nrm music is completelygone now). got free cookies and such. amazed a lady with what boy can write. typical. at least he wasnt reading for her. got back to tonias, she went to emergency room, me and kids hung out and ate pizza (its not delivery, its digiorno). 2 hours later her heinous mother appeared. we came home. tried callin me bro--hes "busy". so am hangin out online, with nothin to do. noone to tlak to. could take more weenie quizes, but, eh. so a m likely to give up shortly. tomorrow is color guard. and such. and people comin over later later. sunday, battletech. thrills. well, i cant take this excitement anymore--am outa here.
nancy--that is the oddest british convoluted quiz teen site. . . but, obviously it doesnt take much to amuse me. . . did a couple of them. . .

You are SOUL MATES and it's extremely likely that, if there IS such a thing as reincarnation, you two were together in at least one previous lifetime. Because you know each other so well, there's nothing, or no one, who can come between you or drive you apart. If you are separated from each other for any reason, it doesn't bother you too much because you know that whatever happens you'll always get back together. You're completely 'at one' on every level and whether you've been together a short or long time, you have tons in common. You're both blessed with a fair amount of psychic ability, and some of it - telepathy, for example - is just an everyday natural occurrence for you. You're at your happiest when you're together; at your most miserable when you're apart. Your love is as cosmic as it comes and you're confident that because your souls are united forever, you'll never be alone.

long day today--will go into it later--right now, i'm killin time, and hanging out. have to make a grocery list, and be prepared for grocery tomorrow mornin durin color guard practice. and aol instant messenger AND hotmail are both down. is this a conspiracy???

Kissing Queen!
Girl, when it comes to kissing, you've already got it goin' on! Just be sure to remember that everyone likes different things, so you should vary your technique to suit who you're with. Don't let the sistas' side down by dropping your standards either - only work your magic on lads who deserve it.

torstaina, tammikuuta 31, 2002

i have one helluva damnable headache--and everyone in house but me is asleep. its 9:30. noone on to talk to.. i feel unloved. poo. am off to find food, and perhaps sleep. . .
alright, some odd thoughts. why is it that in my house, if money needs to be saved, electricity is the first thing mentioned? that IS NOT our biggest expense. and, gettin a new energy efficient refrigerator and windows would rapidly pay for themselves in that arena anyway. am just curious. you guys know how it is here, electricity being our biggest waste of money????

and, hey blondie, i need a new poll--actually two. i need one about grilled cheese, and one about banana pudding. help me out? i know all these silly internet quizes are cheesy, speakin of which, but they are frighteningly correct lots of the time. that color one had it down too. if i knew how to link them to somewhere else i would--so if anyone doesnt want to read about "me" in the quiz sense, thats cool. sometimes its all i have time or inclination to do. which is more than some of you are doin on blogs these days. aol is hiccuping like mad, so i apologize for typos in here, i'm not able to see half what i'm typing. love to you all. even YOU. (ultimately i fixed most to all of the typos--am going to bed now)

You have always longed for tenderness, love and a sensitivity of feeling into which you would like to blend. You are a very gentle warm person and responsive to "All things bright and beautiful". This personifies a caring person... A person who "needs" and indeed "needs to be needed".

You are a leader in every sense of the word. You know where you are going and you know what you need to do in order to get there. You exercise an inherent initiative in overcoming obstacles and difficulties. You either hold or wish to achieve a position of authority in authority by means of which full control can be exerted over events.

You need a friend - a close friend ... and you are willing to become emotionally involved with the right person, but you are very demanding and particular in your choice of partners. You are constantly looking for reassurance .. and it is perhaps because of this that you tend to be some-what argumentative, but you try to hold back - careful to avoid open conflict since this might reduce your chances of prospects of realising your hopes of establishing a warm caring relationship.

You are an emotional, sincere and impressionable individual experiencing frustration and unnecessary stress...You vehemently resist any form of pressure from outside sources, insisting on your independence as an individual. You want to be a decision maker - to make up your own mind without interference. You wish to be able to draw your own conclusions and arrive at your own decisions. You detest uniformity and mediocrity, as you want to be regarded as one who gives authoritative opinions. Your favourite expression could well be "That I may not always be right but I am never wrong". You're a perfectionist and even though you may feel that the other persons point of view may be right you find it extremely difficult to admit that you could be wrong...

You would like to be respected and valued for yourself and this can only be achieved from a close and harmonious relationship.
cool color based quiz
click to take it!

You're loyal to your friends and family. You try not to let people know when you don't like them, because you try you best to treat everyone equally. You're not a leader, you tend to follow orders and respect those who tell you what to do. You're smart and a quick thinker. You take life as its handed to you, and try to make the best of it. You're constantly surrounded by friends and family, and you're a respectable person.
damn these internet quizzes and their frightening accuracy. . .

keskiviikkona, tammikuuta 30, 2002

NANCY< where are you? poo. i wrangled the puter away from boy, and you arent here. poo. well, mayhap i'll call in a bit. . hubby doing taxes tonight, ick.
fbi thing cool fbi file thing--they found me even! scary scary--
Results of the Sensuality Test
Sensuality Index
Your score = 84

What does your score mean?
You are one sensual human being! You are titillated by the sensual stimuli of everyday life. The smell of flowers, the sensation of silk against the skin, the taste of food, the sound of music, and the rich colors of life tickle and tease you to ecstasy. Yours is a hedonistic attitude, and you deeply enjoy the physical pleasures that life has to offer. This is great-a good smell or beautiful color is often enough to keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

You are into long, emotional lovemaking (which is usually followed by an earth-shattering orgasm). This is fabulous for you and one would wager that your partner doesn't mind either!

Your senses are also inextricably linked to your emotions and certain sensual stimuli can evoke strong feelings. Therefore you tend to be emotionally passionate.

Because you get so much pleasure from your senses, you are eager to experiment in life. This is positive since you can make great discoveries and experience a lot of pleasure. However, being pleasure-driven can sour you from persevering if an experience isn't entirely pleasant. If that's your case, your lack of persistence might be keeping you from attaining worthy goals (sometimes it is necessary to wade through dull and insipid periods of life).

But most importantly, remember that 'too much of a good thing' can be harmful. People who delight is sensual pleasures are at a slightly increased risk for addictions (substance, sex, love, etc.). So keep yourself in check. Careless sex, too much chocolate, and fine wine can all be wonderful in reasonable doses. And though they induce pleasure, too much can lead to your demise.

All in all, you have the innate ability to use your senses to enjoy what this life has to offer!

Test developed by Copyright © 1996 - 2001

yah, we needed more proof that nancy and i are the same person. . .

tiistaina, tammikuuta 29, 2002

blah blah blah. noone has been updating blogs, wonder why i bother? and for that matter, why do i check everyone elses twice a day? mayhap cuz i dont have a life?