torstaina, joulukuuta 13, 2001


tiistaina, joulukuuta 11, 2001

ooooooh, lets see. i shall do the 3 days post tonight i think.

ok, here is a big philosophical thing for you guys to ponder.


If someone (an angel, a alien, whatever supremer being you want to imagine) came to you and told you that you have a week left on this earth, no lingering death, you cant change it, but your life ends in 7 days, who do you want to spend that time with? right now, off the top of your head. not the "shoulds" and "ought to's", but who do you want to be with? what do you want to do? do you want to be with one person? several? everyone you know? do you want to party all week? have intense one on one time with someone? or several someones, one at a time? who is that important to you? who makes you happy? ok, now, what if it were 3 days? does that change your plans? narrow them down a bit? how bout one day? 24 hours? what do you do? who do you call? think about it. . .

now, does that person/those people know they are that important to you? TELL THEM. Specifically, and yes, in so many words. because if you dont, and something happens, then what?

ok, i'm gonna close with a phrase from a tv movie, the movie wasnt as good as it shoulda been, but the phrase is still good.

Love as if it is FOREVER, live as if you have three days.

maanantaina, joulukuuta 10, 2001

my head HURTS. i have two big posts to make, but right now, am unable to. so as a hint to myself: ODO and 3 Days
hey, sign my guestbook, get a prize. . .
ok, checkin to see if the blogbot thing actually works. if it does, shall have much more frequent updates than before. . .