lauantaina, helmikuuta 23, 2002
yeah, i know what i put there isnt workin prolly, will fix it when i have time. and boy explained the following to me today: Little wormies make "chrysalis" and then come out later as scary butterflies. and his pronounciation of chrysalis was almost perfect. i asked him why he knew that and i got his standard answer: "cuz i can read"
torstaina, helmikuuta 21, 2002
i am sick and tired of bein sick and tired--i think its all psychosomatic. its all in my head. too much to think about, too much to worry about, etc. sleep is preferable. and the damn sun not shinin doesnt help.
Boy was just reading me the lyrics to "dirty deeds done dirt cheap" out of an AC/DC guitar book. interesting
a quick thought here. the little guy who was in the hospital for like 4 days last week, after losing 5 lbs in less than 24 hours, should he REALLY have to have a fever and a tonsil swollen out to his uvula today? doesnt he deserve to not do that right now?
tiistaina, helmikuuta 19, 2002
why is noone on to talk to me? poo. am falln asleep with my tummy full of pizza rolls. may let boy have the puter. humph. and i dont know if it posted there or not but earlier i asked "did anyone get belated valentines today?"
odd--kevin smith is dead. tho its not OUR kev smith--its the one from xena--fell on his head in china, or some such. . .
nancy, i have a book for you--its called "the man who mistook his wife for a hat" about the very thing you blogged about. shall find it for ya. . .
maanantaina, helmikuuta 18, 2002
have been pleasantly surprised at how much everyone cares about boy. EVERYONE came to see him at the hospital, have had several ask how hes doing several times since then--by email or im or phone. for the record, he is doing better--i'd say hes at 80% or so. hes annoying sis, which in this case is a very good thing. and thank you for all the care and concern--am glad to know you guys love him.