never ever ever ever look forward to anything ever. just so ya know.
perjantaina, elokuuta 24, 2001
keskiviikkona, elokuuta 22, 2001
Wednesday. Costumes for renfest. Well, its not going well. So far it looks like a hybrid of a costume i wore literally 7 years ago, thats made with a dress my mom wore in a relatives wedding in 1972 or so, that dress and a beautiful thingy of Angele's. Is better than nothing, but not at all what i had in mind. I think i'm gonna go thrifting friday and see if i cant find something else. . . Am full of spaghetti and am tired. as usual. boy is being psycho today--waaaaaaaay too much energy. Congrats to the blonde on his new baby. will talk to ya'll later. ..